Asian Vietnamese Pho Soup Food
Pho or called Phở is an Asian traditional noodle soup food in Vietnamese cuisine, which uses soy sauce, fish sauce, rice, herbs and vegetables widely. Herbs such as lemongrass, Vietnamese mint, coriander and basil leaves are commonly used in all types of foods. Besides, meats used are fish, chicken, pork, beef and seafood. Vietnamese also have a strong vegetarian tradition influenced by Chinese culture.
Traditional Vietnamese culinary and recipes are greatly admired for freshness of the ingredients, healthy lifestyle and presentation. Meats are briefly cooked to preserve original textures and colours, while vegetables are rarely cooked. Herbs, vegetables and broths are used abundantly for flavors, taste and nutrition. The spices and condiments are usually colourful and eye-pleasing manners.
Phở Noodle Soup Serving
Pho is the most popular noodles food in Vietnamese cuisine, which is a noodle soup with clear, rich broth made by boiling meat and spices for hours. The grated rice noodles is made of fragrant rice called Gao Te, while the broth is typically made by stewing oxtails, bones of cows and pigs in a large pot for a periods of time. Seasonings can include cinnamon, onion, cardamom, coriander seed and cloves. Meats used most commonly are beef or chicken. It is serves with pieces of fillet mignon and slices of ginger. This hot and spicy noodles soup is usually garnished with spring onions and vegetables such as chilies, basil and bean sprouts. Others accompaniments include dipping sauces (fish, hoisin or chilies sauce), spicy pastes or squeezed lemon juice. Pho is best to serve as breakfast and/or dinner food.
Examples of Pho
Phở bò viên | Phở with beef meat balls |
Phở gà | Chicken phở |
Phở tôm | Phở served with pieces of shrimp |
Phở xào | Stir-fried phở |
Phở chay | Spicy phở with vegetables |
Enjoy touring this indispensable Asian pho food.
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